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Research > Carnivore > Wildcat Qualitative Study

13th May 2024

Mae Ymddiriedolaeth Bywyd Gwyllt Vincent yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth gydag Ymddiriedolaeth Cadwraeth Bywyd Gwyllt Durrell ac Ymddiriedolaeth Coed Gwyllt i archwilio barn rhanddalwyr am ailgyflwyno’r gath wyllt i Gymru.

Vincent Wildlife Trust is working in partnership with Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust and Wildwood Trust to investigate stakeholder perspectives on a wildcat reintroduction in Wales.


Bydd yr astudiaeth ansoddol yn darparu llwyfan i randdalwyr gyflwyno eu barn ar gathod gwyllt a’r potensial ar gyfer eu hailgyflwyno i Gymru drwy gyfrwng gweithdai grŵp a chyfweliadau rhan-strwythurol.

Defnyddir canlyniad yr astudiaeth i gyflenwi gwybodaeth ar gyfer penderfynu a ddylai’r tebygolrwydd o’u hailgyflwyno yng Nghymru gael ei archwilio’n fwy manwl.

Os bydd canlyniadau’r astudiaeth yn awgrymu bod posibilrwydd o fwrw ymlaen, ein bwriad hefyd fydd datblygu fframwaith priodol ar gyfer cydweithio parhaus rhwng rhanddalwyr yn seiliedig ar egwyddorion cyd-gynllunio.

Beth bynnag fydd y canlyniad, gobeithiwn y bydd y gwaith yma’n darparu mewnwelediad defnyddiol i alinio projectau yn y dyfodol gydag anghenion a buddion preswylwyr, tirfeddianwyr, a rhanddalwyr eraill yn yr ardaloedd yma, gan ddatblygu’r sylfaen o ymddiriedaeth a chydweithio a sefydlwyd gan y Project Adfer y Bele diweddar.

Gwybodaeth bellach

Am ymholiadau am yr astudiaeth neu i wneud cais i gymryd rhan mewn cyfweliadau a digwyddiadau, cysylltwch â Max Henderson, Swyddog Project y Gath Wyllt, ar

Am fwy o wybodaeth am y project, darllenwch ein taflen wybodaeth am y project.


Vincent Wildlife Trust is working in partnership with Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust and Wildwood Trust to investigate stakeholder perspectives on a wildcat reintroduction in Wales.

The qualitative study will provide a platform for stakeholders to contribute their thoughts on wildcats and the potential for their reintroduction in Wales through group workshops and semi structured interviews.

The outcome of the study will be used to inform the decision on whether the prospect of a Welsh reintroduction should be explored in greater detail.

If the study results indicate that there is scope to continue, we also aim to develop an appropriate framework for ongoing stakeholder collaboration based on the principles of co-design.

Regardless of the outcome, we hope that this work will provide useful insight to align future projects with the needs and interests of residents, landowners, and other stakeholders in these areas, building upon the foundation of trust and collaboration established by the recent Pine Marten Recovery Project.

Further information

For enquiries about the study or to request to participate in interviews and events, contact Max Henderson, Wildcat Project Officer, at

For more information about the project, read our project information leaflet.


Photo: Scottish Wildcat ©Helen Haden

3-4 Bronsil Courtyard, Eastnor, Ledbury, Herefordshire HR8 1EP
01531 636441 |